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Зустріч відбудеться 1 грудня (вівторок) о 13.30. Аудиторію буде оголошено додатково. Зустріч пройде англійською мовою. Інформація про членів групи додається.
Elliot Ackerman is the author of the novel Green on Blue (Scribner, 2015) and the forthcoming novel Dark at the Crossing (Knopf, 2017). A former White House Fellow, his writing frequently appears in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Republic, and The New York Times Magazine, among others. He served five tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan and is the recipient of the Silver Star, the Bronze Star for Valor, and the Purple Heart. He currently lives in Istanbul and writes on the Syrian Civil War. Visit his website at
Lea Carpenter's novel, Eleven Days (Knopf, June 2013), tells the story of America’s special operations forces through the story of an officer who goes missing off a mission the same night as the bin Laden raid, 2nd May 2011, and the story of his mother, who waits for news. The book’s title is a reference to the end of The Iliad, and to Achilles’s decision to stand down his army for eleven days. The novel was a finalist for the Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize, and long-listed for the Bailey’s. The New York Times’s Michiko Kakutani said the novel attested to the “debut of an extraordinarily gifted writer." Carpenter worked in literary publishing for ten years—as a Founding editor at Francis Ford Coppola’s Zoetrope; a founding editor of Penguin’s Lives series of short biographies, and later as Deputy Publisher of The Paris Review. She is working on her second novel, set in the Intelligence Community. She graduated summa cum laude from Princeton and has an MBA from Harvard. Her 2003 Harvard University Commencement Speech, “Auden and the Little Things,” addressed the importance of poetry in wartime.
Joan Naviyuk Kane is the author of The Cormorant Hunter’s Wife and Hyperboreal. She has received a Whiting Writer’s Award, the Donald Hall Prize in Poetry, the USA Projects Creative Vision Award, an American Book Award, the Alaska Literary Award, and fellowships from the Rasmuson Foundation, Alaska State Council on the Arts, Alaska Arts and Cultures Foundation, the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation and the School for Advanced Research. Kane graduated from Harvard College, where she was a Harvard National Scholar, and Columbia University’s School of the Arts, where she was the recipient of a graduate Writing Fellowship. Inupiaq with family from King Island and Mary’s Igloo, she raises her children in Anchorage, Alaska, and is a faculty mentor with the low-residency MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Visit her website at http://thecormoranthunterswife.com.
Christopher Merrill has published six books of poetry, including Watch Fire, for which he received the Lavan Younger Poets Award from the Academy of American Poets; many edited volumes and books of translations; and five works of nonfiction, among them, Only the Nails Remain: Scenes from the Balkan Wars and Things of the Hidden God: Journey to the Holy Mountain. His latest, The Tree of the Doves: Ceremony, Expedition, War (2011) chronicles his travels in Asia and the Middle East in the wake of the war on terror. His writings have been translated into twenty-five languages; his honors include a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres from the French government. A member of the National Council on the Humanities and the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, he directs the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. Visit his website at www.christophermerrillbooks.com. IWP Reading and Lecture Tour Program Coordinator:
Kelly Bedeian received a degree in Linguistics from the University of Iowa, after which she served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine from 1996-1998. Kelly went on to work on a variety of professional development and exchange programs as a Program Manager at CONNECT/US-RUSSIA, a non-profit organization based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 2001 Kelly returned to life overseas, working with the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) first as a Program Manager for the Community Connections program then later in a dual role as the Country Manager for the IREX/Armenia office and the Regional Manager for the Internet Access and Training Program in the Caucasus Region. Kelly joined the IWP staff in 2004 where she currently works as Program Coordinator for overseas programs.
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